Sunday, 25 September 2016


Tree planting is the Process of transplanting tree seedlings, generally for forestry or landscaping purpose. Trees absorb harmful gases and emit oxygen resulting in increase in oxygen supply. The faculty members of department of Mathematics took a great step towards the welfare of the society in the form of Tree Plantation in DSCW. Tree day is organized by Post Graduate Department of Mathematics on 24th September, 2016 to encourage the students to plant one tree per year. The Faculty members of Mathematics Department along with students of M.Sc had done Tree Plantation with a belief that Trees make life nicer and it has been shown that spending time among trees and green spaces reduces the amount of stress that we carry around with us in our daily lives. We tried to plant the utilitarian plants like Jamun, Arjun, Kaner, Shisham etc. to make the enviornment pollution free. 

Wednesday, 21 September 2016


The post graduate department of mathematics organized a quiz competition on 20th September, 2016 in Mathematics Seminar Hall. A quiz is a form of game or mind spout, in which the players attempt to answer questions correctly. There were three teams namely, Team - phi, Team - sigma and Team - mu of M.Sc. - I and M.Sc. - II. The quiz was scored in points. All the teams were appreciated with prizes.




Tuesday, 6 September 2016


The Post Graduate Department of Mathematics celebrated teacher’s day on 5th September, 2016. It is the national festival, and it is celebrated all over India. Teacher’s day is celebrated on 5th September every year, because of the Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, who was the former president of India, born on this day. He was the great person, along with that he was philosopher, educationalist, humanist and a religious thinker. Teacher’s day celebrated in all over India for respect and love among the teachers. Teachers profession are very great for the students because they are the idol for every student.In all over a world, the mother comes first as the teachers for her children. From the every childhood the children learn to speak from their mother. She is the great idol of her children. On the next, the teachers come in every student’s life for teaching to them. Teachers are one of the best trainers to complete the ambition of student’s life by learning a good way.

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