Sunday, 29 January 2017


A good quality education is one that provides all learners with capabilities, they require to become economically productive and enhance individual well being. Quality education puts it to reach his or her full potential. Quality education requires children's active participation. Teacher evaluation is a tool to improve the quality of education that depends on complementary inputs and should ideally consider professional teaching standards, multi - faceted evidence of teacher practice, professional contributions and teacher collaboration. A seminar  on " Quality Education " was organised by P.G. Department of Mathematics on 28th January, 2017 and a knowledgeable lecture was delivered by Er. Anand Nayyar, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Application and IT KCL Institute of Management and Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab.

Sunday, 22 January 2017


“Parental love is the only love that is truly

 selfless, unconditional and forgiving.”                                                                          

             --- Dr. T.P. Chia

There can be no tree without the roots. The same role is played by parents in every child’s life. Keeping this in mind, the post graduate department of mathematics celebrated Parent’s Day on 21st January, 2017.  Students were told about the importance of parents in their lives. The programme was well begun and it came to an end with a touching poem on parents’ love. The programme was compered by Mrs. Shilpa Nanda and the vote of thanks was proposed by Prof. Nishant Juneja.